Today in math class we covered a lot and did some reviewing for our test on Thursday.
We started off with a pre-test! Here are the questions and answers.
Question 1
Simplify: sin(2x+π)
A) sin 2x B) cos 2x C) -sin 2x d) -cos 2x
Answer: C) -sin 2x
(highlight to see)
Here is the logic behind that idea....
sin(2x+π)= sina cosb + cosa sinb
= sin(2x)cos(π) + cos(2x)sin(π)
= sin(2x)(-1) + cos(2x)(0)
= -2 sinx
Question 2
The terminal arm of angle θ in standard position passes through point (m,n), where m>0, n>0. Determine the value of sin(π+θ).
Answer: A

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

1. thanks to Ingrid for making our awesome mascot!!!
2. check out the websites on the right hand side of the blog, for some extra math help. (
3. remember to give Rebecca a million dollars tomorrow!
4. There are some extra review questions on today's slides!
6. Don't forget to do your BOB
7. I just wanted to make 7 to finish the rainbow (:
The next scribe is my ANNABANANA!!!!

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