Thursday, February 19, 2009

BOB - Circular Functions

Hey guises, I know this is late, but better late than never right!?
Well, let me start of this BOB thing by stating that thanks to PJ, I now know what "BOB" means...
"Blogging on Blogging!" Haha, I was so enlightened when I learned that :]

Anyway, I really don't have much to say without being redundant. However I still do have some advice for you!
- First off, remember that cos is relative to the x-axis and that sin is relative to the y-axis.
- Also, never write "sin" or "cos" without theta because well... That's just wrong! :]
- Don't forget that when given a negative value in terms of radians or degrees, it means that the direction is opposite that of the direction we would normally go. (Did that make sense? lol sorry)
- Remember 2kpi where k is an integer!
- Come prepared, with back-up ;D That is, pencils, erasers, lead, (graphing) calculators, rulers?
- Don't panic! Relax and read through the entire test before freaking out over a question that may actually be a breeze once you calm down, it's just a test!
- Oh yeah, don't forget to write one of these BOBs! ;D
- Also, look through the rest of the BOBs for more advice and tips :]

Alright, now a little solemn reflection... Just kidding :]
When we were first introduced to this unit, I was freaking out, lost, confused, and overall frustrated because the concept was so unfamiliar, plus I hadn't done any serious pre-cal math in over a year! The concept of dealing with relationships and proportions rather than formulas irked me a bit because I'll admit, my brain works like a computer sometimes. I dealt much better with plugging in variables into formulas. But, after getting the hang of it, I realized how much easier thinking in "proportions" was, and that it also provides me with better understanding!
At the moment, I can't really tell how I feel about the test tomorrow, I just hope I do well, really. Winging the pre-test and getting them all correct gave me a boost of confidence but I know I still need to review/study! Speaking of which, I should get to that now lol.

Good luck everyone! :D


  1. Hi Miruiz,

    A really nice touch adding advice to your BOB!

    That you shared how approaching math in a different way led to your understanding the concept better can be of value to all--

    How was the test for you?


  2. Hi Miruiz,

    A really nice touch adding advice to your BOB!

    That you shared how approaching math in a different way led to your understanding the concept better can be of value to all--

    How was the test for you?


  3. Hello Lani, thanks for the comment :)!

    I thought the test was fairly easy, at least until I discussed it with a couple of classmates, then I knew I had done a couple of questions wrong haha!
